Yoshi's dead island

If you take anything from this story, it should be that games are the evilest things. I have a story of an evilest game. this story will remind you that sometimes games are the spookiest and they make you take a nasty poo. if you come across a game, be sure to die of ladder.
I always liked my old souper nintendo. it had old games like Sigmund Freud's couch simulator 2035. but I remember one game especially, a game called the pagemaster, an adaptation of muchlahuay kulken's movie. my mom sold it when I was 35 because I forgot to take out the trash. I got a ps420 a few years ago and It's been my main gaming source for many times. I like to play games like grand theft onion in my spare time. if anyone disturbs me when I play grand theft onion I punch them in the duck and destroy their blood, that's how much I like grand theft onion.
I got bored one day of playing outdated entries and decided to head to my local game shop to buy the newest game in the grand theft onion series titled "assassins_dogs". But then I realized that I have no money and died of a heart attack. I woke up in a hospital and there was a creepy old man having a garage sale next to my bed. I felt groggy so I attacked the man and he died. after a few minutes of silence he offered me something
"I have what you want", the old man screamed in my general direction. I stumbled to hear what he was saying. I turned up my hearing aid and asked the man where he had it. And he pointed somewhere special. I killed him with a nearby continent and took what I wanted. It was a copy of my old favorite game! pagemaster!
I sprinted to my house eager to play the game. I flew through the door and killed my table to get to my TV to play the game. Before I could put the game in, I noticed that the old game's label was scribbled onto a label with a black sharpie. The label said in a language that I do not know, but am somehow able to read "shove it". The label frightened me, I wasn't expecting to waffle for at least 10 minutes. I shrugged off the label thinking it was just a graphical glitch. I stabbed my game into my old gamecube, and pressed the power button. A new icon appeared on the desktop of the gamecube. the icon was labeled "yoshideadspook.exe.exe". I clicked on the icon and was shocked at what I saw. the game wasn't what I wanted at all what I wanted. instead of the familiar title screen showing my face with phrases like "you're next", and "Die", the title screen depicted a spooky green dinosaur carrying a baby. I didn't think much of the title screen, I brushed it off as an audio glitch, and pressed the triangle button to advance beyond the title screen. Hyper realistic blood shot out of the screen at me. the game was wrong.
the old yoshi's island I remember was now replaced with a spooky island with completely not photoshopped hyper realistic blood everywhere. I spent 999.99819831 seconds thinking about how to destroy the game when I noticed the old man from the hospital hiding in the cartridge. I took a nasty dump out of fear. the old man killed me for stealing his bum.I tried to stab him with my best friend, but he just kept attacking. then I noticed a scary yoshi plushy with blood on it. and I killed.
remember to never video game or you will die from old men. and then your skeletons will come out. If you want nostalgia remember to not scare. if you scare, spooky plush will make you poo from old men who are buckets of hyper realistic blood.

spookiest story by: spookyscary256